Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Rainbow party for our rainbow babies

A Rainbow Party for our RAINBOW babies….

WOW!  A first birthday party!  A double First birthday party. This is the party I’ve been planning for well over a year.  I was dreaming of this party when these two little peanuts still took up residency in my ever expanding belly.  My girls.  My rainbow girls.  This theme has so much significance to me and to my girls. 

Allow me to explain.  First and foremost.  Our girls are our rainbow babies.  What is a rainbow baby?  A "rainbow baby" is a baby that is born following a miscarriage or still birth.”  I absolutely adore this term.  I will never forget the devastation I felt when I lost our 2nd baby.  The pain was intense and real.  I thought it would never end.  I thought the wound would always stay open and fresh.  Nothing would ease the pain. And then a few months later, I discovered I was pregnant.  I was elated at the thought of having a “rainbow baby”.  I will never forget the day I found out I was pregnant again.  It was October.  It was rainy.  I looked into the sky and saw a beautiful double rainbow.  I’ll never forget it because I looked at that double rainbow and thought, “WOW!  It’s a sign.  A double rainbow?  That’s the baby we lost and our new baby together.   I believed it.  I smile while writing this.  Because I know now that that double rainbow was a sign that I would be getting not just ONE rainbow baby, but TWO rainbow babies! 

The other reason we chose to have a rainbow theme for the girls very first birthday party is because of my Mom.  My Mom was an amazing writer.  She loved to write short stories and poems.  Ever since I could remember, I would read what she wrote.  She was very open with sharing her writings.  I wish I could find the most touching piece she ever wrote, but I’m afraid it only exists in my memory.  She once wrote this amazing short story of a mother who lost all of her children.  The story was about how they would meet again at the end of the rainbow.  I remember reading it when I was a teen and thinking it was so sad.  But when my mom passed, it was very comforting to me.  At her service we saw rainbows everywhere.  And to this day, when I see a rainbow, I know it’s a sign that Mom is with us, watching over us.  When I saw that double rainbow the day I found out I was pregnant, I knew once again, she was there.  She was smiling down at me.  I imagine she knew that there was two babies, long before me.

So, because of all these amazing reasons is why we will celebrate our babies FIRST birthday with RAINBOWS everywhere.  And we did!  Most would say that I OVERDID it at their birthday party.  Some might even say it was OVE THE TOP.  I would say it was just perfect!  How can I not celebrate these two perfect gifts that were given to me?  How can I not put effort into making this party elaborate?  These girls were meant to be.  I truly believe this.  We lost a baby, but were given two.  I don’t know why we were given this precious gift, but we were.  And I do believe there IS a reason.  I may never fully understand WHY?  I don’t NEED to understand why.  I just want to celebrate it.  I want to enjoy it.  And I want to share it with everyone we love and care for.  My rainbow babies have turned one!  We survived our first year with twins! 

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